WASHINGTON, D.C. (Aug. 7, 2020) The Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service (FMCS) issued the following statement today on the labor negotiations between Bath Iron Works and International Association of Machinists Local S6:

“Last night, representatives from Bath Iron Works and International Association of Machinists Local S6 reached five additional tentative agreements including three contract articles, one memorandum of agreement (MOA) dealing with schedule recovery and one appendix to the MOA as progress continues in their negotiations with FMCS assistance.

Though FMCS cannot comment on the substance or status of their specific negotiations, FMCS mediators are working with the parties to resolve the issues that divide them.  The parties have now agreed to a total of 11 contract articles including many of the key topics in this dispute.”

As is Agency practice, FMCS will not release information regarding meeting dates and locations for these negotiations.